Productivity Management

The More You Develop Your Skills, The More Competent You Will Be

The Productivity Management business application is a repository bank or inventory of skills and CVs that can serve 3 kinds of profiles/users:

  • Members (Students/Candidates)
    The members (students or trainees) can register their profile data such as Contacts details, Education information, Work experience, Skills & certificates, Courses, and Languages. They can search for training courses, explore the courses’ contents then get enrolled to the most relevant ones that will develop their skills and knowledge. Moreover, they can search for job vacancies, then apply to most convenient ones to their qualifications and skills and attach their own updated CVs.
  • Employers (Organizations)
    The Employers (organizations) can record their company profile data, define the required skills and mention the proficiency level per each skill. They can also search for the most convenient candidates or potentials for their available vacancies and business needs based on the members’ skills and certified courses, then they can send the selected ones’ invitation letters in order to get connected with them for further correspondences and interviews. Moreover, the employers can get all the connected members to their organization, so that each employer can be able to know the history of his members and also, facilitates having a survey or feedback upon them easily.
  • Training Providers (Training Institutions & Academies)
    The training institutions and academies can register their institute profile data, post their training catalog (courses/Tracks), the required knowledge (prerequisites) for enrollment and the skills that will be acquired or developed by each course/track. The training institutes can also track/record the course attendees, verify the taken courses of registered members and reflect such verification into the members’ profiles. Furthermore, the training institutes can verify the submitted training requests; whether the registered members fulfill the required prerequisites and whether the required courses have already been taken before or it is the first time for such member to get enrolled in such course.